Phantom pain management nursing
Phantom pain management nursing

phantom pain management nursing

Manuscripts reporting randomized control trials should refer to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines are available at when prepared.These submissions when applicable must adhere to recognized reporting guidelines relevant to research design used in the article. Research Articles: Articles reporting original research are welcomed. If your submission does not fit into the following formats, please contact the editor to determine if you should submit your work. Within PMN, there are also continuing education opportunities. Topics can vary tremendously and focus on a variety of areas, such as reports of research findings, quality improvement projects, review articles, administrative or leadership challenges, special care considerations for selected patient/family populations (e.g., diabetic, obese, orthopedic, pediatric, older adult etc.), clinical consultations, or assessment tools used in pain management nursing practice. Submissions must include a specific description of how the content applies to pain management nursing practice.Īrticle formats Articles are typically 3000 to 6500 words (double spaced in APA format) and provide an opportunity to address important topics affecting pain management nursing practice.

phantom pain management nursing

Additional journal features include practice guidelines and pharmacology updates.

phantom pain management nursing

The purpose of the journal is to provide pain management professionals, particularly nurses, with excellent articles providing insights in the areas of research, evidence-based clinical practice, quality improvement, education, administration, and advocacy. Pain Management Nursing is a refereed journal and the official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nursing.

Phantom pain management nursing